Sunday, October 30, 2011

Every time you commit to something... heart vinegar.
Candlelit bathtub jazz.

Friday, October 28, 2011

well, life lesson: nobody's gonna like all of it all the time. when you're good--GO.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

because nine times out of ten it doesn't work.
I'm just not cynical enough for true love.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The issue is you're not angry.
Opening credits give you time to transition into an imaginary world.
You can't really create art while protecting yourself.

So, fuck it, break me open.

Friday, October 21, 2011

All of my baby teeth are protesting.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

found it.
One more thing, Poetry,

Please don't ignore me because I'm rusty. I know you've had your flings with people much shinier than me... but old times still count, don't they?

And damn if it ain't so cliché that it rings true: old habits die hard. Or they don't die at all.

Looking forward to seeing you,

"We believe that writing is not just the solitary act, but the community that forms when writing is shared." -
Thank the lord for old friends. The ones that have perspective and love you so wholly.

They stick your feet in the ground, you know? They give you roots in the air.

Martita, DK, Peej, Trish, Wren
Dear Poetry,

I forgot what a haven you are.

My mother always said when she felt lost, she went to church. Even when she didn't really care for Christ, she felt at home in the hymns, in the strategy of it all.

I feel at home in the English language. And true, I've lost my way a bit. Let myself meander into lackluster vocabulary and drunken nights of less than philosophical topics. I don't know that I'm proud of myself, but we all go through phases, don't we?

Don't be sore at me, poetry. I just forgot what you looked like. You can understand how hard it is to find something you've forgotten.

Not that you're forgettable--goodness, I just keep digging this hole deeper and deeper, don't I?

Dear Poetry,

It's nice to meet you again. Could we take a walk and catch up?

Love, really,


P.S. It's nice to know you're still doing well. I'd love to meet your new friends and lovers. They seem like lovely people.

I was being a bit of a snob, I think? Snobs tend to be frightened people. Little prune people hiding in peanut shells like mice. Now there's something I'm not proud of.

But like I said, when I'm with you I feel like breathing again. And I think it's lovely that I've finally run into you again. I didn't realize what a heart-stopping relief it would be.

Question: can we still be lovers if we don't see each other all the time? I've done a lot of growing up, you see. I don't know if I'm the girl you said you used to love. But I'm still interesting. And damn it, I'm still worth knowing... I think.

Let's take a walk now, really. I have such a journey to discuss with you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I wish I couldn't see how much better everyone else is.
Fuck you, facebook.
It's funny: with a hundred people you could call in a moment, how lonely you still feel.
Every guy that wants to take you to lunch just highlighting the fact that no one feels like love.
It sounds selfish or selective,
But they say we just can't help these things.
I'm going to bed in the clothes i wore today,
And hoping I'll wake up a new person.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How do you kill a dream?
Let it live with your mother.
death to all liars and citizens.
Take your disrespect and shove it up your ass.
I have attacked my love and done the damage.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Your artificial intelligence has made you stupid. Technology has stopped you from being cool. Now you're just worried about getting what you want right now because you deserve it, goddammit, because you have access to just as much information as everyone else so you're just as good as everyone else, right? Damn right. Asshole.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Give us a pitcher, we're gettin' pregnant tonight!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bieber fever.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Sunday, October 9, 2011

He keeps talking about cuddling with me...
I think he should eat shit.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I can't form a persuasive sentence because I don't know how I feel about... anything right now.
I keep waiting for something amazing to happen... on facebook.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Happiness - You have to make it happen.
I don't want to be in love with you.
But I want to hold your hand while you're stumbling.
I want to keep you up.
I want to smile with you.
I want to be able to fix anything that's hurting.
I want to be able to wrap my arms around you,
and for you to feel safe there.
"Exercise gives you endorphins.
Endorphins make you happy.
Happy people just don't shoot their husbands."
Time to stop wallowing and be the hero everyone else thinks you are.
Make every day epic.
Because there's something about you that intrigues me...
You're not quite the right fit, but goodness if you aren't intriguing.
Got no cash, but I got spirit.

Monday, October 3, 2011

I have all of this damn love and I just don't know where to put it.
It's piling up in my living room like old bills and birthday cards,
and it's going to start blocking out the light if I don't get rid of it soon.
I messed up.
So I grew up.